1. 独有算法的CCD定位及视觉检测功能;
Self-developed CCD positioning and video inspection module with high accuracy.
2. 同喷码机完整的通讯功能;
Full-featured communication functions with print module.
3. 自由的编码规则定义;
Totally programmable printing paths.
4. 全伺服控制,高精度定位;
Servo-motor controlled for all axis, high accuracy of positioning.
5. 多品牌喷码机通讯支持(多米诺、依玛仕、伟迪捷);
Support multi-types of print module (DOMINO,IMAJE,VIDEOJET and etc.).
6. WINDOWS中文操作系统,易学易会;
Based on Microsoft windows OS, understandabilities and easy to operating.
FYH Inkjet Printing System
1. 独创即喷即读结构设计;
Self-developed structure for Printing and reading simultaneously.
2. 条码等级在线检测;
Barcode grade Online-measurements.
3. NG缓存功能(选配);
NG cache functions (optional).
4. 设备自检及远程技术服务功能。
Self-testing and remote technical support.
1. 全伺服高速高精度喷印;
2. 标配CCD定位读码系统;
3. 完善的通讯协议,确保喷印功能自由设置;
4. 喷印质量检测功能,随时把握工艺直通率(选配);
5. 自动上下板装置,可实现真正自动化作业(选配);
6. 同MES系统全方位数据对接。